Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Bumps in the Road

I wrote this blog yesterday but I am having computer issues. The pictures got saved but not the prose.  I am thinking of buying a laptop for both my writing and my photographs.  My desktop seems to have problems more and more frequently. I could write on my phone, as large as it is, but that seems problematic. Although I do write lengthy e-mails from time to time. And I have available time on my daily commute. Didn't the woman who wrote Shades of Gray do it on her cell phone?

So where is my life right now and my weight loss progress?  Well I only lost 2 pounds last week. And this week has not been good. I had  oral surgery this week on Wednesday which was a little more intense than anticipated. Having to eat soft foods and cutting back on my exercising was not a good combination. Besides I was feeling sorry for myself so I ate all the wrong things. I really did not enjoy them.

The above writing is from a few days ago.  Mouth is better.  I am picking up the walking again.  But I am on the last day of a 6 day stretch at work so it is difficult to get everything in I want to do.  I gained the two pounds back that I lost last week. I seem to have trouble with numbers.  Getting below them that is.  First it was 150.  Then it was 200.  Now 220 seems to be an obstacle.  But I will get back on track and I will do this 100 pound journey.  49 weeks to go.   The weather has been beautiful.

Photos are.from.a.shoot i
I did with a new friend..

1 comment:

  1. These photos are amazing! A step above many past photos. What is the difference?
    I haven't had bumps as much as stalls. Can't seem to get my motor revved up again, but I keep trying.
