Friday, September 5, 2014

Scattered thoughts

This is my day so far.  I slept pretty well if you don't count waking up every hour or two.  Went back to sleep right away and feel fairly rested.  I did not feel well yesterday and slept much of the day.  I called in sick about 6 am this morning because we have enough staff on today and I have been working a lot and am burnt out.  More on that later.

I got up and did my oil pull.  I think it is helping my gums.  Eventually my whole body hopefully.  I have only been doing it a week or so.  I think things should be perfect by now.  A new friend talked about walking and what good exercise it is and how in 6 months, I will feel great.  Six months?  What about today and tomorrow?  While I was doing the oil pull I played Spider and Free Cell.

Next I nibbled on left over popcorn and thought about going down to do laundry.  Then I remembered my online photography class starts today.  So I read part of the first lesson on design.  There are 4 major elements.  Line, texture, color and  pattern.  So I got out my camera and tripod and take photos of my left over chicken noodle soup from last night.  Thinking texture.  As I am struggling with the tripod and what point of view is best and the lighting and trying to get the focus crystal clear, it all seemed a lot of work to me.  Maybe I really am just a point and shooter.  Up loaded the pictures and I got one or two really sharp images so I feel better.

Next I realize I haven't checked my phone lately so I have a text from a friend who says she may not make the brunch on Sunday because she is in the hospital with some mysterious swelling in her hand.  And I think about my other friend who had surgery for bladder cancer yesterday.  I text back and forth with my friend that is in the hospital and then read my relevant emails.  I find one from my sister Susan who says I need to check out a book.  I think she said go to the library.  I don't remember the last time I went to the library.  Amazon has a Kindle version for 5 bucks which is what it would cost me to get back and forth on the bus to the library anyway and I don't have to worry about late fines.  So I read a couple of pages and then decide I need to sit down and blog which I had intended to do yesterday but just didn't have the energy for.  I write many blogs in my head that never get on paper.  So here I am blogging, thinking I should put in a load of wash and am getting hungry with little to nothing in the house to eat  I can't walk far today because I am fitbit friends with my boss and if I log in too many steps she will know I am not really sick.

This is why I have trouble accomplishing anything.  This is my mind going a hundred miles a minute.  But I am writing a blog on my new Apple laptop which I like but is frustrating at the same time  because I am use to PC's.

Oh one other thing from this morning.  I get a notification form someone on Facebook.  A childhood friend who I have been avoiding.  She wants my phone number.  She wants to talk.  I don't want to talk to her.  And I feel bad about that.  Long story.  But when I think of this woman, I realize how lucky I was growing up with sane parents who loved me.

Going back to the beginning of this blog, I am starting half time at work after my vacation next week.  The schedule looks both scary an exciting the same time.  I may pick up extra days but they will be of my choosing.  I still have to work every other weekend, but that is the life of a nurse.  I have decided that when I turn 66 I will sell all of my belongings, buy a car and go visit people.  I think I have 52 people in my life that I could spend a week with.  I don't expect to be fed, just lodging in exchange for good company and photographs.

I lost a pound this week.  Going in the right direction even if I am still struggling with my eating.

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